
February start

Engineering degree (Bac+5)
Full time

Are you a student in the first year of a PASS (Special Medical Studies Access Track) or LAS (Undergraduate Degree with Medical Studies Access Option) programme, a preparatory school, an undergraduate science degree, BUT (University Bachelor of Technology), another engineering school or a higher education institution abroad, and would like to focus on a career in engineering, while building on the knowledge you’ve already acquired?

EPF Engineering School offers you the opportunity to follow an accelerated training course on the Montpellier campus from 26 February, enabling you to join the generalist programme directly in the second year of the following academic year.

Apply now via the AvenirPlus admissions procedure

5 reasons to opt for a February start

Join year two directly after the transfer programme
Take a new direction without losing a year
Take courses that are adapted to your profile
Benefit from personalised support
Seize the opportunity to join the Engineering & Healthcare major

An innovative pedagogical approach


The February Start will enable you to acquire the concepts taught at EPF in the 1st year thanks to innovative educational methods: interactive teaching, blended learning (a combination of e-learning and in-person teaching), design offices and mini-projects.

Supervised by the teaching team, you’ll receive personalised support throughout the accelerated preparatory programme.

At the end of the February Start, you’ll join the second year of EPF's generalist degree, preparing you for careers in engineering. 

In the fourth year, you will be able to choose your specialisation from among any of the majors run by the School.

Course description

  • Mathematics and Abstraction
  • Mathematical tools for engineers 
  • Digital tools
  • Calculation techniques

  • Signals and physical systems
  • Electrical circuits
  • Thermodynamics
  • Electromagnetism


  • Mechanics
  • Introduction to mechanical technology
  • The digital environment

  • Algorithms and programming
  • The digital environment


  • English language
  • Understanding the business organisation
  • Communication skills
  • E-portfolio


Entry requirements


The February Start is intended for students with a general baccalaureate (or international equivalent) and specialisations in the sciences who are enrolled in the first year of a higher education course in France or overseas:

Application timetable

French students:

  • Online application via AvenirPlus from 6 November 2023

Students with foreign qualifications: 

  • Online application on the EPF admissions portal from 6 November 2023

Continuation of the procedure for all applicants: 

  • Selection interviews after examination and approval of applications
  • Start date: February 2024

Practical Details

Duration of studies: 16 weeks (February to June)

Location: EPF Montpellier Campus

Tuition fees: 6,266 €


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