EPF - les expertises


Research that serves society


It is no secret that our world is undergoing profound change: the growing world population coupled with ever-increasing demands in a finite environment compels us to drastically reconsider our ways of thinking. In this respect, research and development can be vectors for solutions to these very complex problems.

EPF provides a unique perspective on research, in that it is highly translational and multidisciplinary. Instead of using structures specifically dedicated to one scientific subject, the EPF brings together complementary expertise (mathematics, physics, chemistry, computer science, mechanics, biomechanics, etc.) in order to understand the problems facing our society in all their complexity:

  • How to envision the city of tomorrow
  • How to envision the transports of tomorrow
  • How to envision the products and materials of tomorrow
  • How to envision the health of tomorrow

Our research and development activities are therefore carried out by the multidisciplinary SINGULARITY institute, which brings together all EPF members across the four campuses.

Schéma Singularity

A unique perspective on research: Singularity


A Federative Research Institute

  • Multidisciplinary to address the issues of tomorrow
  • Multi-form: innovation – research – development – education – promotion
  • Backed by world-renowned public laboratories

5 main themes:

Urban innovation

The teaching and research staff at EPF are all affiliated with major, internationally recognised research organisations.

The Paris-Cachan campus includes the Laboratory of Mechanics and Technology (Paris-Saclay University, ENS Paris-Saclay and CNRS), the Georges Charpak Human Biomechanics Institute (Arts et Métiers ParisTech), the Scientific Management Centre (Mines ParisTech), and the Interfaces and Electrochemical Systems Laboratory (Sorbonne University).

The Troyes campus includes the Laboratory of Mechanical & Material Engineering (LASMIS) and the Interdisciplinary research on Society-Technology-Environment interactions (InSyTE) (University of Technology of Troyes).

Finally, the Montpellier campus includes the Systems and Electronics Institute (Montpellier 2 University) and the et l’IMT (Mines Alès).