General engineering degree
Since 1925, EPF’s General Engineering course has provided future engineers with qualities greatly appreciated in the business world: open-mindedness, cultural mobility, and the ability to adapt to their first job and throughout their career. EPF thus trains general engineers who have a global and cross-disciplinary outlook on their profession, and who can easily adapt to market needs.

L'EPF annonce la création d'une nouvelle voie d'accès au diplôme d'ingénieur généraliste, exclusivement réservé aux femme : le parcours ParityLab
Ce processus de sélection non compétitif permettra d'identifier les compétences attendues d'une ingénieure à travers trois épreuves : l'étude du dossier scolaire, une épreuve de mise en situation collective, et un échange avec un membre de l'équipe EPF.
En complément du cursus, un parcours de formation spécifique dédié aux femmes est mis en place, axé sur l'insertion professionnelle.

Course program

During their first three years, engineering students will learn to master technological tools and acquire the polytechnic, scientific and human skills that will form a solid foundation of competencies, essential for their future professional missions.

In your fourth year at EPF, you can choose to study the major of your choice, regardless of what campus you studied at for your undergraduate studies.
EPF offers five majors at its Paris-Cachan campus, one in Troyes, two in Montpellier and, from the 2024 academic year, one to come in Saint-Nazaire.
The 9 program majors
The school attaches great importance to the international dimension in the training of EPF engineers, as well as on its campuses. Students have the opportunity to take part in international mobility programs, giving them an unforgettable experience and adding an international dimension to their studies.
This experience is complemented by the learning of two compulsory modern languages.
- MSc in Germany - Hochschule Karlsruhe
- Msc in USA - Georgia Institute of Technology (Atlanta & Lorraine)
- MSc in Quebec - Université du Québec à Chicoutimi Université de Sherbrooke
- State Diploma in Industrial Engineering in Spain - Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingenieria de la Universidad del Pais Vasco
- Master's degree in Architectural Engineering in Belgium - Université de Liège
- Diploma in Engineering in Colombia - Universidad EIA
- MSc in Ireland - University College Dublin
Application for international students
See all entry possibilities according to your level of French
Application for french students
Application via Parcoursup: Select the Concours Avenir and EPF campuses.
Concours Avenir:
- Step 1: Application review to identify the top-ranked candidates (the best dossiers that will be admitted without taking the written exams).
- Step 2: Top-ranked candidates are exempt from the written exams. For all other candidates, written exams include: mathematics + a scientific subject (Biology, Physics-Chemistry, Digital Technologies or Engineering Sciences) + English.
- Step 3: Admission offers on Parcoursup between May and July. Admitted candidates must confirm their choice with a “definitive Yes” and will not retain a place on the waiting list in order to enroll at EPF.
Joining the 1st year
Applications are open to students in 1st year of : Math sup, PASS-LAS, Engineering school, L1 (Maths, SVT, MIAS, Informatique, MASS, santé), BUT1 (MP, GMP, GTE, Chimie, Informatique)
- Application via Parcoursup: select Concours Avenir and EPF campuses.
- Concours Avenir :
Stage 1: file review to determine the top-ranked candidates (the best applications, who will be admitted without sitting the written exam)
Stage 2: Oral test (top-ranked candidates are exempt from interviews)
Stage 3: admission proposal on Parcoursup between May and July. Admitted candidates must confirm their choice with a “definitive yes”, without keeping a waiting list, in order to enroll at EPF.
Joining the 2nd year
Applications are open to students in 1st year of : Math sup, PASS-LAS, Ecole d'ingénieurs, L1 (Maths, SVT, MIAS, Informatique, MASS, santé), BUT1 (MP, GMP, GTE, Chimie, Informatique) having validated their 1st year.
Please note that admission to 2nd year is conditional on obtaining 60 ECTS credits and the necessary prerequisites.
Registration on AvenirPlus and selection by EPF (€100 application fee, €40 for scholarship holders)
- Period 1: January 10 to March 22 (except for engineering school students)
- Period 2: March 23 to May 24 (except for engineering school students)
- Complementary phase: from May 25
Full review of application,
Oral tests for eligible candidates over half a day (a slot to be chosen on the platform),
- Period 1: April 18
- Period 2: June 20
Complementary phase: on an ad hoc basis from July 1, depending on remaining places.
AvenirPlus is open to students already in higher education or holders of a high school diploma (baccalaureate) wishing to join a school in the first, second, third, or fourth year, depending on their current studies.
- Joining in the 1st year: Math sup, PASS-LAS, engineering school, L1, BUT 1 (MP, GMP, GTE, Chemistry, Computer Science, etc.)
- Joining in the 2nd year: Math sup, engineering school, L1, BUT 2 (GTE, ATS specialization after BUT or BTS CPI or CRSA)
- Joining in the 3rd year: L2, engineering school, BUT 2
- Joining in the 4th year: L3, engineering school, M1
AvenirPlus 2024 Competition Schedule
- Registration on AvenirPlus and selection of the EPF (application fee of €100, €40 for scholarship students)
- Phase 1: From January 12 to March 21 (except for students in engineering schools)
- Phase 2: From March 22 to May 23
- Complementary phase: Starting from May 24
- Complete dossier review,
- Oral exams for admissible candidates in a half-day session (choose a time slot on the platform)
- Results:
- Phase 1: April 12
- Phase 2: June 14
- Complementary phase: Ongoing from July 1
Droits de scolarité :
- Campus de Cachan et Montpellier : 9880€ par an
- Campus de Troyes et Saint-Nazaire :
- 8890€ en 1ère année,
- 9640€ en 2ème et 3ème année
- 9880€ en 4ème et 5ème année
Les droits de scolarité sont pris en charge par l'entreprise en 4ème et 5ème année en cas de contrat d'apprentissage.
Careers & job opportunities
EPF general engineers fit into all lines of business. Depending on their chosen major, graduates can develop in their area of expertise and will evolve throughout their career, thanks to their solid scientific training.
Discover all the job opportunities for each major on the relevant pages.
EPF engineers take on a wide variety of roles and evolve throughout their career. Project Manager then Project Director, Research Engineer in different departments, Research and Development Engineer, Industrial Engineer, Business Engineer, Maintenance, Operations, Supply Chain, Design, Project Management Assistance, Risk Control and Management, Quality Control, etc.
Discover all the professions for each major on the relevant pages.