Business forum: 40 companies at the EPF to meet with our students

On Thursday, October 15th, EPF hosted on its campus of Sceaux nearly 40 companies during its 25th “Business Forum”. After 2 conferences in the morning about jobs abroad and the "Generation Z", students had the opportunity to participate in resume-writing workshops, meet recruiters for job interviews, exchange with graduated students, develop their network and take pictures “like the pros”!
The morning was dedicated to the "BEFORE”. Students were able to attend to two conferences from Alstom (global leader in the world of power generation, power transmission and rail infrastructure) and BlaBlaCar (the world's largest long-distance ridesharing community).
Michel Richard , Sales & Marketing Director (areas of South West Europe and Africa) of Alstom Power, who spent 20 years of his career turned towards export, including many years as an expatriate, presented "jobs and careers abroad". He advised students looking for an internship abroad to be "motivated, open-minded and to think about start-ups".
Then, Albane Giraud-Charreyron, Academic Relations Manager of BlabaCar presented the "Generation Z". Generation Z, or Generation 4C: Communication, Collaboration, Creativity and Connectivity, who will be the next generation to enter the world of work. Albane Giraud-Charreyron explained that "each person will be the entrepreneur of his professional life and his training."
The 3rd and 5th year students met with nearly 40 companies representing many fields of engineering such as aeronautics, environment, information technology, energy or defense.
Students had the opportunity to meet HR representatives of companies and to benefit from their advices, but also to discover and to apply for internship and job offers. They also exchanged with former EPF students to benefit from their experience and to confront their professional project with the current business world.
In order to develop their visibility on social networks, students participated in a photo shoot like pros. A photographer was present throughout the afternoon so that students can get a professional photo for their resume, or on LinkedIn or Viadeo.
A new service greatly appreciated by students as evidenced by this student of 3rd year: "It was a very good initiative, very useful and motivating. I still used an ID picture on my resume ... ".
Exhibitors list 2015: Accenture ; Altran Technologies ; Arcelor Mittal ; Ausy ; Bouygues Construction ; Bureau Véritas ; Business & Decision ; CGI ; Cofely Axima ; Cofely Inéo ; Cofely Services ; Dassault Aviation ; Dassault Systèmes ; Decathlon ; Devoteam ; Elior Restauration ; Engie ; Fives ; IBM ; LGM ; L’Oréal ; Marine Nationale ; Mc2i ; Nexter ; Océ Canon ; Segula Technologies ; Siemens ; Smile ; SNCF ; Sogeti ; Solucom ; Sopra Stéria ; SPIE ; Groupe Thales ; Vinci Construction France
Sponsors: L’Étudiant / Studyrama Emploi.