EPF Troyes amongst the top research centres in additive manufacturing

EPF Troyes has been identified as one of the main research centres in additive manufacturing in France according to the inter ministerial centre on prospection and anticipation of economic changes (Pôle interministériel de Prospective et d’Anticipation des Mutations économiques -PIPAME -Ministry of Economic and Financial Affairs) through a report called “Future of additive manufacturing”.
This independent study shows how dynamic the Troyes Campus is on research dedicated to 3D printing and additive manufacturing carried out in close collaboration with the Troyes IT University (UTT, ICD-LASMIS).
The means implemented since 2014, notably through the Additive Manufacturing TechLab platform, which includes many printing technologies (polymer and metal) open the way to new collaborations. UTT, local authorities (Troyes Champagne-Ardenne (TCM), County Council, Great East Region) and EPF are the major actors of this result.