A new 3D metal printer for the Troyes Techlab

EPF’s Troyes Campus was delighted to receive a 3D metal printer to complete the “Additive Manufacturing TechLab”.
3D Metal Printer
This machine, the only one in the Grand-Est Region, can print objects in metal such as stainless steel or titanium for example. The process consists in depositing metal powder agglomerated with a binding agent to form the object. The binding agent is then withdrawn through dissolution and the object is finally baked in an oven.
This equipment was financed by Troyes Champagne Métropole, the Aube General Council and the EPF Foundation in order to support research and the development of industrial collaborations on Additive Manufacturing supported by the EPF Troyes team.
The proposed projects with the 3D printer are various:
- Setting up of collaborations with companies to answer their needs in prototyping parts, manufacturing marketable parts…etc
- Transfer EPF’s current research projects to this innovative technology: smart materials, thermal and mechanical post-processing.
Reconfiguring the Additive Manufacturing TechLab
EPF’s Additive Manufacturing platform or 3D printing is a place of study that aims at bringing out innovative projects or starting design or characterization studies in various fields (prototyping, digital engineering, mechanical characterization…). Several applied projects were incubated in the TechLab in order to answer specific needs, such as personalized orthosis, restoration of works of art, design products…
The Troyes research team worked on reconfiguring the TechLab In order to get a better visibility of the research activity and operating of the TechLab. It was made possible thanks to the support and competences of general services.