New double degrees at EPF !

EPF releases two new double degrees in September: the first one with the University of Science and Technology of Hanoï, a franco-vietnamese university ; and the second one with the People’s Friendship University of Russia.
A Franco Vietnamese pathway opening the way to EPF’s first installation in South-East Asia.
EPF offers a new Franco Vietnamese educational pathway in partnership with the EISTI. Once they have completed their first three years of study, Vietnamese students will be given the opportunity to study in France for their Masters cycle by choosing to integrate a general engineering school (EPF) or a maths and IT oriented engineering school (EISTI). At EPF, they can chose which major they wish to follow in 4th year and 5th year, just as French students do. Once they have completed their studies in Vietnam and France, these students will be awarded a double degree: a degree with the University of Science and Technology of Hanoi and another general engineering degree with EPF.
The historic background of these two countries has shown that the Vietnamese have a strong appetite for France and a favourable and strategic field encouraging EPF to settle on the Vietnamese employment market and more generally on the South-East Asian employment market. This collaboration could eventually open the doors to EPF on Laos, Cambodia…etc
A double degree with the People’s Friendship University of Russia for future Aeronautic and Space engineers
EPF students who have chosen this double degree, which is accessible to all students attending the Aeronautic and Space Major, will be given the opportunity to study in France and Russia throughout their curriculum as early as year 2. After one semester in Russia, students come back to EPF to complete their three Major semesters and return to Russia for their final project. As for Russian students, they complete their bachelor degree in Russia before starting Masters at EPF, in France.
The idea of this cooperation is to create cultural interaction and share knowledge thanks to a course curriculum jointly drafted by French and Russian teachers who travel back and forth on both campuses, thus uniting strengths. An example of innovative collaboration is that aeronautics courses will be given at EPF, some by Russian teachers (in English), others by French teachers. Students attending the Aeronautics & Space Major and taking part in the Franco Russian curriculum will also be given the opportunity to meet and exchange with real astronauts who will participate in courses, round-table meetings or common conferences between French and Russian students.
This double diploma will open the way to reintroducing Russian as a foreign language at EPF as well as increase know-how, employability and boost the employment market. This is definitely an opportunity for EPF to open new doors in Russia and for students to strengthen the international dimension of their future degree.
These two new double degrees spotlight EPF Engineering School’s wish to continue its international deployment and offer new opportunities to its own students as well as foreign ones.