Partnership with the ANBG: a Gabonese student joins EPF

A Gabonese student has joined the EPF campus in Troyes
For the first time, this year the EPF is welcoming a Gabonese student to the Troyes campus. She is Maria-Victoire ASSELE TSETSE, who has obtained a scholarship from the ANBG.
Maria-Victoire has joined the first year of the generalist cycle after gaining her Baccalaureate and she specifically chose EPF out of all the different schools available to her.
“For my graduate studies, I wanted a school that would enable me to fulfil my potential while providing me with a solid intellectual background. My search was focused mainly on the Agence Nationale des Bourses du Gabon website, which has a list of institutions with which they have signed partnerships, and I was able to compare several course offers. Of all the universities and schools, EPF was the one that best met my expectations, not only in terms of education but also socially. With an exceptional multidisciplinary programme and particularly active student associations, EPF interested me straight away. So I chose this school for my graduate studies because it’s the best option to prepare me for the profession of biomedical engineer.” Maria-Victoire ASSELE TSETSE Student on the Troyes campus of EPF.
ANBG scholarships are awarded to deserving students in disciplines considered to be a priority for the development of the country. General engineering studies are one of these disciplines.
International students have a vital role at EPF, and the School hopes to welcome many more as part of this agreement in the years to come.
EPF would like to thank Sandrine TINDJOGO, Campus France manager in Gabon, and Raphaële Gauthier, university cooperation attaché, for their support, also Françoise-Marie Maguili Essone and Cynthia Bivigou from the Institut Français in Gabon, and of course the ANBG for placing their trust in EPF.