Reinforcing Franco Indian cooperation with Amity University

On October 15th, Jean-Michel NICOLLE, Director of EPF Engineering School signed a framework agreement with Amity University during the visit of his Indian counterpart in Troyes. This agreement aims at strengthening the Franco Indian cooperation through teacher and student exchanges, common research work and common publications.
“Campus in Campus”, an added value to develop EPF’s internationalisation strategy
“Campus in campus” have also been created: Amity University now has a base on the EPF Troyes Campus with its own classroom, just as EPF has its own premises on the Indian campus near New Delhi. This concept of a campus in a campus aims at developing EPF’s presence onsite, increase its opening on the Indian market from a general point of view and in terms of employability, but also both schools’ standing. This idea is in line with the school’s strategy of internationalisation, particularly as this is Amity’s first installation in France, after London, New York, Dubaï…
A new pilot study program: France Study Abroad Program at the EPF Troyes campus
As a follow-up of this cooperation, a new pilot study program was launched : France SAP Program (France Study Abroad Program). A group of Indian Students mainly from B.Tech (Bachelor of Technology) is currently on the EPF Troyes campus for 4 weeks. The program includes visits, cultural immersion, history and gastronomy, French classes but also introduction to future technologies through presentations and 3D printing and medical prosthesis courses. The Indian students who are accompanied by two teachers, attend all classes in English and occasionally meet EPF engineering students during seminars, sport and student events which allows them to discuss student daily life and improve their English. The Indian students will be awarded a certificate at the end of the program.
This collaboration will gradually increase notably through the next France SAP Program taking place in Spring with a group of 20 to 40 students from Amity University.