Visit of two Chinese delegations to EPF Troyes

Early November, the EPF Troyes campus received successively two Chinese delegations, including Ms. SHI Chunlin, EPF representative in China, along with Grand Master Buddhist ZHONG Guan and her assistant in order to attend a presentation about the School.
During these two visits, the delegations had the opportunity to meet Jean-Michel Nicolle - Director of EPF and Arnaud d'Aboville - Director of Troyes Campus - with the aim of exchanging values and educational projects.
EPF's special relations with China were of course evoked and emphasized with the testimony of a first-year Chinese student. A potential cooperation with China was mentioned, as well as the possibilities offered through our Summer School, open to all foreign students wishing to work in the field of sustainable cities.
A friendly meeting was organized in the amphitheater with 24 1st and 2nd year Chinese students. The Grand Master addressed the students, delivering a message of support, peace and hope, reminding them that despite the remoteness of their country and the difficulties they may encounter during this great adventure, their roots lie in themselves and they mustn’t forget that they can draw positive energy from it at any moment to get through each day.