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Vous êtes en terminale générale, série technologique (STI2D, STL, STMG, STAV, ST2S), en bac pro spécialité scientifique ou titulaire du bac depuis moins d'un an.
Et vous êtes intéressé par les formations bac+3 ?
L'EPF vous explique la procédure du programme bachelor afin que vous puissiez mettre toutes les chances de votre côté lors du passage des épreuves.
This innovative program allows its participants to improve their level of French before beginning engineering studies at EPF and to prepare themselves for the study of science and engineering studies in France.
Students can begin the preparation program in fall or in spring.
Candidate profiles
For more than 20 years, we have been training international students from prestigious French engineering schools such as EPF, ESTP, École Polytechnique, National School of Advanced Techniques, École des Ponts et Chaussées, Institut d'Optique Graduate School - University of Paris- Saclay, etc.
Our program has been awarded two Quality labels:
More than 150 students completed this program and, thanks to the high-quality training, the success rate in the final exam reached 90%.
All selected students will first begin their preparatory courses at the CCFS Les cours de civilisation française de la Sorbonne in partnership with EPF. From February 2024, they will join the EPF FFS in the Paris-Cachan campus. French (FLE) training and other scientific subjects are provided by the EPF's FLE Department.
The application file must include:
Post-Bac :
Post-bachelor as students partner :
EPF recommends that students have an A2 level of French in order to obtain the visa.
It is possible to join the program in October (for the fall semester) or in March (for the spring semester).
The EPF Admissions Committee will examine the files on a "rolling admissions" basis from June 2024.
Registration deadlines: 08/16/2024 for the fall intake,12/24/2024 for the spring intake.
A motivational interview is scheduled after the files have been examined.
The complete application file must be sent to pierre.jiang@epf.fr