EPF strengthens its economic cooperation with Czech Republic and Ghana

By strengthening its links with international schools, EPF is developing its network, gaining visibility among foreign students and enriching its academic courses offer. Summary of the latest missions in Czech Republic and Ghana.
A major mission at BRNO University in Czech Republic
On October, 2 and 3, an EPF team composed of 8 members traveled to Czech Republic on a mission to BRNO University: Jean-Michel NICOLLE, Director of EPF - Eric SAVATTERO, Director of Training programs - Odile TISSIER, Deputy Director of Training programs - Olivier HORNER, Director of Research and Innovation - Yazid MADI, Mechanics Researcher - Thomas PROVOT, Biochemistry Researcher - Sophie Telliez, Deputy Manager of the International Department - Zuzana KRPELANOVA, Consultant for EPF.
The aim of these two days was to extend the collaboration between the school and Czech Republic, mainly with the University of BRNO, the largest technical university in the country. Indeed, with an existing Erasmus partnership with this prestigious University, the team has wished to deepen this relationship furthermore following the visit of Jean-Michel NICOLLE and Stefan SEILER, Head of the International Department, last July.
In order to move on to the next steps of our partnerships, the presence in field members of the administration was necessary. For two days, the team had very targeted meetings with key members who could contribute to broadening and strengthening an already existing partnership, notably by developing co-constructed and more in-depth programs in areas such as civil engineering or management in order to go beyond simple student exchanges by proposing joint research, or exchanges of PhD students and why not a double degree option?
Sophie TELLIEZ took the opportunity to present the university to Czech students with the aim of informing them more about the academic possibilities at EPF Graduate School of Engineering. It was also the moment to meet other French partners of BRNO University and exchange on best practices.
A Franco-Ghanaian meeting with a promising future
The French Embassy in Ghana and Campus France, organized from October 2 to 6 the 4th Ghana-France academic meeting. Stefan SEILER was invited by the N + i network, of which Jean-Michel NICOLLE is president. This meeting is an event that brings together a delegation of some twenty French universities whose objective is to explore higher education in Ghana, to form partnerships, but also to present the different foreign institutions to Ghanaian students.
Part of the mission was devoted to round-tables on higher education in Ghana; an exercise to understand the different aspects of the Ghanaian educational system such as: the strengths, areas for improvement, flagship themes, and the country's strategy in higher education for the years to come.
On the other hand, time has been consecrated for visiting the campuses of two major universities in the country: the University of Ghana (UG) and the Kumasi National University of Science and Technology which is located in Kumasi, the second largest city in Ghana. A presentation of EPF was given within each of the universities and two agreements were established: an exchange agreement with KNUST and another one with the MU. Other avenues for collaboration have been identified, particularly in the field of E-Health, entrepreneurship, or the promotion of women.
"This is another step in strengthening EPF’s existing links with Francophone Africa, as well as the development of our cooperation. It also opens doors to the Anglophone but Gallophile niche and allows us to forge more links with Anglophone Africa" concludes Stefan SEILER.