EPF Troyes opens its doors to Chinese students

End January, the EPF Troyes hosted a delegation of Chinese students willing to discover the EPF and to try the French engineering studies!
Arriving straight from Tianjin in northeast China, 42 students aged 16 and 17 came a week in France to discover several French engineering and business schools, in order to integrate one of them in September 2017.
The Troyes campus of the EPF, which is going to host 11 Chinese students in September in 1st year, has opened its doors to welcome these young francophone students, thanks to the student organization AGORA, one of whose main tasks is the integration of foreign students.
After a presentation of general engineering curriculum and school characteristics by Jean-Michel Nicolle, Director of the EPF, students were able to meet all of the administrative and teaching staff of the Troyes' campus to discuss the pratical matters and student life.
Surrounded by engineer students in 3rd year, high school students have then discovered the computer rooms, the Fab Lab (and its 3D printers) before trying a course of mathematical tools.
The integration of foreign students in 1st year participate in the EPF willingness to develop the internationalization of its curriculum and the openness to the world of its engineer students.