Strengthen your technical French expertise by participating in the FLE Summer Program for engineers and scientists

Mis à jour le 17/06/2024
Are you looking for a summer experience that combines intensive learning, cultural discovery, and professional development? Dive into the French as a Foreign Language (FLE) program, specifically designed for engineers and scientists, offering total immersion in the French language and culture.
Francais Langue Etrangère

Specific French courses for engineers and scientists

As part of this summer program, participants will have the opportunity to deepen their knowledge of technical French, essential in the fields of engineering and science. The courses provide vocabulary on subjects such as mathematics, mechanics, economics, structures and materials, architecture, and computer language in French.

This approach allows students to acquire specific vocabulary and linguistic skills tailored to their area of expertise, thereby enhancing their ability to communicate effectively in a professional context. Additionally, this year's program addresses two current themes: "Artificial Intelligence in Engineering" and the "2024 Paris Olympics," offering participants a unique perspective on these topics.

Immersion in French culture

Beyond linguistic learning, this program offers complete immersion in French culture. Through guided tours, cultural activities, and interactive workshops, participants will have the opportunity to discover the artistic, historical, and culinary riches of the Paris region. Visits to castles, as well as friendly picnics in Parc de Sceaux and Paris, will complement this unique cultural experience, allowing students to fully experience the French way of life.

The EPF-ESTP FLE Summer Program, a recognized program in France and internationally

Since its creation in 2009, the EPF-ESTP FLE Center has established its reputation for excellence in teaching French to international students. A privileged partner of renowned schools such as ESITC, École des Ponts, ENSTA Paris, and Institut d'Optique Paris-Saclay, the FLE center benefits from several quality labels, including the prestigious Label Qualité FLE, obtained with the highest rating in 2021, as well as the European Language Label and the Bienvenue en France Label. This recognition reflects the center's ongoing commitment to providing quality teaching and a remarkable welcome experience to international students.

This recognition is also expressed by participants, who anonymously testified at the end of the summer program in 2023: "I really enjoyed this internship and I would like to thank the administrative and pedagogical teams for their magnificent work!", "The French classes, such as grammar and phonetics, writing, were very useful", "A very enriching experience, I learned a lot and I feel more prepared to study at my university."

By participating in this intensive FLE program, students will have the unique opportunity to strengthen their language skills while discovering the city of Paris, famous for its history, culture, and dynamism. 

Sign up for the FLE summer program