EPF Projets ranked among the top 30 Junior Enterprises in France

EPF Projets Sceaux is a booming French engineering Junior Enterprise. It was created within the EPF Engineering School in 2006, endorsed in 2009 and ranked among the top 30 French Junior Enterprises since 2015. The enterprise has specialized in 4 areas and offers solutions and run projects for many clients : SMEs, large international groups, private or public institutions, associations and entrepreneurs.
The advantages of a Junior Enterprise for your project
Because they have attended excellence engineering training and specialized in different EPF majors, the members of the Junior Enterprise are committed to their clients and provide competent consultants who have benefitted from their school curriculum and developed a substantial amount of knowledge.
EPF Projets is organised around a board consisting of a President, Vice President, General Secretary and Treasurer. The structure is based on 6 hubs:
- Quality
- Business Development
- Treasury
- Communication
- Information Systems
- Human Resources
Quality, reactivity and experience are their three watchwords for project management.
Fields of competences and resources
- Digital Engineering is EPF Projets’ core business. Projects aim on the one hand at supporting large companies and SMEs in their digitalization process and day-to-day activities and on the other hand they contribute to launching individual entrepreneurship, start-ups or other various activities. Web and mobile applications are used to develop the consultants’ knowledge in HTML, CSS PHP, MySQL, Java, Javascript and Swift and in all current languages. More innovative projects such as BigData, Cloud, Machine Learning are also run. The IS hub internally supports consultants in the development of IT projects by providing the keys of the project and help for the implementation of subtle technologies.
- Industrial Engineering covers the Aeronautics & Space Major as well as the Structures and Materials one, both recognised for their excellence. This is a way for the Junior to introduce industrial and business projects with a Research & Development issue as a key to development to engineering students. Consultants use various software from CAD to finite elements simulation software (Catia, Abaqus) as well as metal structure modelling software (Abaqus, Revit) in order to work on complex systems or subsystems, ranging from functional analysis to prototypes as well as the design and validation phases. EPF students have a TechLab, which they can use to carry out education and school projects. This lab is equipped with state-of-the-art technologies including Charlie Robot, lasers as well as a 3D printer.
- Consultancy is also one of their fields of expertise. As a general school, EPF trains its students to become future cross-sectional managers, as confirmed by the Engineering & Management Major. EPF Projets is thus made up of members and consultants who are engineers but also entrepreneurs, able to support clients with issues relating to business models, market studies, evaluations, industrial statistics analysis or satisfaction surveys.
- Technical translation is promoted through the diversity of languages on offer at EPF but also through the importance given by the school to international perspective. Based on this major asset, EPF Projets offers a technical translation service to its clients in English, Spanish, German, Japanese, Portuguese, Chinese, Italian…etc. The Junior-Enterprise is also supported by international professors and enjoys an exceptional partnership with Prime Consulting, GeorgiaTech University’s Junior Enterprise in Atlanta.
Partnership with Prime Consulting
Prime Consulting is GeorgiaTech Unviersity’s Junior Enterprise in Atlanta. Prime Consulting was created in 2016 and has the same corporate object as French Junior Enreprises: in other words, help students develop skills by offering concrete projects with American companies. Prime Consulting is made up of Bachelor or Master students and offers the following fields of expertise to its clients: Technology Consulting – Business Consulting – Junior Incubator.
Prime Consulting is also a member of the growing Junior Enterprises USA movement, created in 2016. The Junior Enterprise is a very active member as proven by the President’s position as Vice President, in charge of the American Confederation’s external relations.
Why does EPF Projets Sceaux wish to develop an international partnership?
After a strong investment in the French Junior Enterprises’ movement, EPF Projets Sceaux’s objective for the past year has been to develop international exposure. The first French JEs were introduced in 1967 and the French Junior Enterprises’ national confederation (CNJE – Confédération Nationale des Junior Entreprises) is one of the most developed in the world.
In France, EPF Projets Sceaux frequently supports young organizations to extend their competences, develop processes and strategy in order to obtain the “Junior Enterprise” label; EPF Projets wants to build on the stability of the confederation in order to help the JE label go international.
And with a view to acknowledging cultural differences and becoming a development pioneer for American JE, EPF Projets has started looking for a complementary American JE.
How was the partnership achieved?
On the occasion of an international event organized by Junior Associations for Development (JADE), Mrs. Chloe GOUEREC, President of EPF Projets Sceaux’ 2016 board, was given Prime Junior Consulting’s contact details. Out of curiosity, EPF Projets decides to contact this newly created Junior Enterprise looking to develop. After several Skype sessions, the 2017 and 2018 offices get to better know and understand how each organization works.
An agreement is signed at the beginning of January 2018… The partnership focusing on exchanging best practices, cross mentoring in accordance with the strengths and weaknesses of each structure and visibility is signed on January 16th 2018. EPF is all the more proud of this partnership with GeorgiaTech since some of EPF’s engineering students attend semesters in this prestigious American university, one of EPF’s partners.
The partnership appears to be sustainable as students studying at GeorgiaTech will be able to meet the Prime Junior Consulting team during their university curriculum.
→ For further information : view services and get an estimate
EPF Projets’ priority is achievement and devotion to its clients and consultants. It is through their investment, training and experience that its members improve their skills and contribute to achieving this objective. All the teaching members participate in the development of the Junior’s activity as well as the broadening of its competences. These are the reasons why its areas of expertise are constantly increasing. The much involved team endeavours to offer a wide range of courses for students while continuing to offer a quality service to clients in the carrying out of their projects.
→ Contact : info@epfprojets-sceaux.com
→ Visit EPF projets website :