“The Sustainable Materials & Structures Major has the advantage of being multi-purpose, opening up a wide range of fields.
The major extends over two academic years and is organised around two inclass semesters, framed by two internship semesters. (note: for the international students, the first internship is replaced by an International Project semester which includes mechanics, energy, computer science and French).
All the CUs are offered in English. They are designed as independent credits so as to admit students from other programs or students attending vocational training.
In order to be as close as possible to employment conditions, the Major's project CU use a project approach, thus confronting students to a real client specifications, teamwork and autonomy.
The major extends over two academic years and is organised around two inclass semesters, framed by two internship semesters. (note: for the international students, the first internship is replaced by an International Project semester which includes mechanics, energy, computer science and French).
All the CUs are offered in English. They are designed as independent credits so as to admit students from other programs or students attending vocational training.
In order to be as close as possible to employment conditions, the Major's project CU use a project approach, thus confronting students to a real client specifications, teamwork and autonomy.
Compulsory CUS:
Compulsory CUS:
Compulsory CUS:
Compulsory CUS:
Compulsory CUS:
Elective CUS*:
*One of the two ELECTIVE CUS must be chosen. Opening of the elective is subject to a minimal number of student.
Compulsory CUS:
Elective CUS*:
*One of the two ELECTIVE CUS must be chosen. Opening of the elective is subject to a minimal number of student.
Compulsory CUS:
Elective CUS*:
*One of the two ELECTIVE CUS must be chosen. Opening of the elective is subject to a minimal number of student.
Compulsory CUS:
Elective CUS*:
*One of the two ELECTIVE CUS must be chosen. Opening of the elective is subject to a minimal number of student.
Compulsory CUS:
Compulsory CUS:
Elective CUS*:
*One of the two ELECTIVE CUS must be chosen. Opening of the elective is subject to a minimal number of student.
Compulsory CUS:
Compulsory CUS:
Elective CUS*:
*One of the two ELECTIVE CUS must be chosen. Opening of the elective is subject to a minimal number of student.
A project is carried out on both academic semester in collaboration with a company. It is used as a guideline for the whole semester and serves as support to the many lectures. Some examples of projects conducted in the major:
Duration: two years
Location: EPF campus de Montpellier
Tuition fees for the 2025-2026 year: 9 880€
36 students per year
A project is carried out on both academic semester in collaboration with a company. It is used as a guideline for the whole semester and serves as support to the many lectures. Some examples of projects conducted in the major:
Duration: two years
Location: EPF campus de Montpellier
Tuition fees for the 2025-2026 year: 9 880€ (fees paid by the company in the case of apprenticeship contracts)
36 students per year
And many other position in the IT and Data sector.
And many other position in the IT and Data sector.
And many other position in the IT and Data sector.
And many other position in the IT and Data sector.
And many other position in the IT and Data sector.
And many other position in the IT and Data sector.
The teaching and research staff at EPF are all affiliated with major, internationally recognised research organisations.
The Paris-Cachan campus includes the Laboratory of Mechanics and Technology (Paris-Saclay University, ENS Paris-Saclay and CNRS), the Georges Charpak Human Biomechanics Institute (Arts et Métiers ParisTech), the Scientific Management Centre (Mines ParisTech), and the Interfaces and Electrochemical Systems Laboratory (Sorbonne University).
The Troyes campus includes the Laboratory of Mechanical & Material Engineering (LASMIS) and the Interdisciplinary research on Society-Technology-Environment interactions (InSyTE) (University of Technology of Troyes).
Finally, the Montpellier campus includes the Systems and Electronics Institute (Montpellier 2 University) and the et l’IMT (Mines Alès).
Les enseignants-chercheurs de l’EPF sont tous rattachés à des organismes de recherche majeurs, reconnus internationalement.
Pour le campus de Paris-Cachan, on retrouve le Laboratoire de mécanique et technologie (Université Paris-Saclay, ENS Paris-Saclay et CNRS), l’Institut de biomécanique humaine Georges Charpak (Arts et Métiers), le Centre de gestion scientifique (Mines ParisTech) et le Laboratoire interfaces et systèmes électrochimiques (Sorbonne Université).
Pour le campus de Troyes, on retrouve le Laboratoire des systèmes mécaniques et d'ingénierie simultanée (LASMIS) et l’Interdisciplinary research on society-technology-environment interactions (InSyTE) (Université de technologie de Troyes).
Enfin, pour le campus de Montpellier, on retrouve l’Institut d'électronique et des systèmes (Université de Montpellier 2) et l’IMT (Mines Alès).
The ENERGY LAB is dedicated to energy efficiency issues in intelligent and sustainable buildings. It includes several technical solutions related to energy creation, storage and conversion within the same evolving demonstrator to optimise energy management, control of uses and self-consumption. The different systems are provided by partners of ENERGY LAB and are regularly amended in order to employ multiple strategies and optimise energy flow.
It is located on the Montpellier campus and comprises the following elements:
L’ENERGY LAB est dédié aux problématiques d’efficience énergétique des bâtiments intelligents et durables. Il intègre plusieurs solutions techniques liées à la création d’énergie, son stockage et sa transformation au sein d’un même démonstrateur évolutif afin d'optimiser la gestion de l’énergie, la maîtrise des usages et l’autoconsommation. Les différents systèmes sont fournis par des partenaires de l’ENERGY LAB et régulièrement modifiés afin de déployer des stratégies multiples et optimiser les flux énergétiques.
Il est localisé sur le campus de Montpellier et regroupe les éléments suivants :
The ENERGY LAB is dedicated to energy efficiency issues in intelligent and sustainable buildings. It includes several technical solutions related to energy creation, storage and conversion within the same evolving demonstrator to optimise energy management, control of uses and self-consumption. The different systems are provided by partners of ENERGY LAB and are regularly amended in order to employ multiple strategies and optimise energy flow.
It is located on the Montpellier campus and comprises the following elements:
L’ENERGY LAB est dédié aux problématiques d’efficience énergétique des bâtiments intelligents et durables. Il intègre plusieurs solutions techniques liées à la création d’énergie, son stockage et sa transformation au sein d’un même démonstrateur évolutif afin d'optimiser la gestion de l’énergie, la maîtrise des usages et l’autoconsommation. Les différents systèmes sont fournis par des partenaires de l’ENERGY LAB et régulièrement modifiés afin de déployer des stratégies multiples et optimiser les flux énergétiques.
Il est localisé sur le campus de Montpellier et regroupe les éléments suivants :
The FabAdd Lab is dedicated to additive manufacturing issues, in terms of new design methods, mechanical strength of components, and environmental costs (recycling, energy optimisation, etc.)
It involves very large machinery with complementary technology, which allows new solutions to be tested (new materials like bio-based or geo-based materials, new design rules, new surface treatments), including under load in order to verify and optimise their architectural properties.
It’s located on the Troyes campus and comprises the following elements:
Le Lab FabAdd est dédié aux problématiques de fabrication additive tant en matière de nouvelles modalités de conception que de tenue mécanique des pièces et coût environnemental (recyclage, optimisation énergétique, etc).
Il intègre un très grand parc de machines aux technologies complémentaires permettant de tester de nouvelles solutions (nouveaux matériaux comme les matériaux biosourcés ou géosourcés, nouvelles règles de conception, nouveaux traitements de surface), y compris sous chargement afin de vérifier et d’optimiser leurs propriétés architecturales.
Il est localisé sur le campus de Troyes et regroupe les éléments suivants :
The FabAdd Lab is dedicated to additive manufacturing issues, in terms of new design methods, mechanical strength of components, and environmental costs (recycling, energy optimisation, etc.)
It involves very large machinery with complementary technology, which allows new solutions to be tested (new materials like bio-based or geo-based materials, new design rules, new surface treatments), including under load in order to verify and optimise their architectural properties.
It’s located on the Troyes campus and comprises the following elements:
Le Lab FabAdd est dédié aux problématiques de fabrication additive tant en matière de nouvelles modalités de conception que de tenue mécanique des pièces et coût environnemental (recyclage, optimisation énergétique, etc).
Il intègre un très grand parc de machines aux technologies complémentaires permettant de tester de nouvelles solutions (nouveaux matériaux comme les matériaux biosourcés ou géosourcés, nouvelles règles de conception, nouveaux traitements de surface), y compris sous chargement afin de vérifier et d’optimiser leurs propriétés architecturales.
Il est localisé sur le campus de Troyes et regroupe les éléments suivants :
The ENERGY LAB is dedicated to energy efficiency issues in intelligent and sustainable buildings. It includes several technical solutions related to energy creation, storage and conversion within the same evolving demonstrator to optimise energy management, control of uses and self-consumption. The different systems are provided by partners of ENERGY LAB and are regularly amended in order to employ multiple strategies and optimise energy flow.
It is located on the Montpellier campus and comprises the following elements:
The FabAdd Lab is dedicated to additive manufacturing issues, in terms of new design methods, mechanical strength of components, and environmental costs (recycling, energy optimisation, etc.)
It involves very large machinery with complementary technology, which allows new solutions to be tested (new materials like bio-based or geo-based materials, new design rules, new surface treatments), including under load in order to verify and optimise their architectural properties.
It’s located on the Troyes campus and comprises the following elements:
The BBC+ Lab focuses on the energy behaviour of buildings by taking into account the user’s comfort in an original way. It enables the testing of different technological solutions on a full-scale building in order to build the housing solutions of tomorrow.
It is located on the Troyes campus and comprises the following elements:
The GREEN LAB is dedicated to environmental chemistry issues in a global context, where water usage, treatment, conservation or simply its access are major challenges facing society.
It’s temporarily located on the ESTP campus in Cachan (94) and comprises the following elements:
The NEURO Lab is dedicated to issues surrounding monitored complex structures with the aim of increasing efficiency and sustainability, and significantly reducing the impact of human activity on the environment. It lays emphasis on the fact that the objects we design today are all communicating: they collect data, communicate it and incorporate it into their response, whether that response is based on physical modelling or AI-type mathematical modelling.
This Lab has many potential areas of application like transportation or health. It comprises the following elements:
Le 3D MotionLab est une plateforme innovante conçue pour l’analyse détaillée des mouvements complexes dans un environnement contrôlé. Grâce à une technologie de pointe, cette plateforme joue un rôle essentiel dans des secteurs variés tels que la santé, le sport et le handicap. Sa superficie de 150 m² est dédiée à la formation ainsi qu’à la recherche. Grâce à ses partenariats avec des acteurs académiques et industriels, le 3D MotionLab est un pôle majeur pour l’innovation dans l’analyse du mouvement. Il s’intègre dans l’enjeu sociétal Santé et Vivant de l’EPF.
Il regroupe les équipements suivants :
The ENERGY LAB is dedicated to energy efficiency issues in intelligent and sustainable buildings. It includes several technical solutions related to energy creation, storage and conversion within the same evolving demonstrator to optimise energy management, control of uses and self-consumption. The different systems are provided by partners of ENERGY LAB and are regularly amended in order to employ multiple strategies and optimise energy flow.
It is located on the Montpellier campus and comprises the following elements:
The FabAdd Lab is dedicated to additive manufacturing issues, in terms of new design methods, mechanical strength of components, and environmental costs (recycling, energy optimisation, etc.)
It involves very large machinery with complementary technology, which allows new solutions to be tested (new materials like bio-based or geo-based materials, new design rules, new surface treatments), including under load in order to verify and optimise their architectural properties.
It’s located on the Troyes campus and comprises the following elements:
The BBC+ Lab focuses on the energy behaviour of buildings by taking into account the user’s comfort in an original way. It enables the testing of different technological solutions on a full-scale building in order to build the housing solutions of tomorrow.
It is located on the Troyes campus and comprises the following elements:
The GREEN LAB is dedicated to environmental chemistry issues in a global context, where water usage, treatment, conservation or simply its access are major challenges facing society.
It’s temporarily located on the ESTP campus in Cachan (94) and comprises the following elements:
The NEURO Lab is dedicated to issues surrounding monitored complex structures with the aim of increasing efficiency and sustainability, and significantly reducing the impact of human activity on the environment. It lays emphasis on the fact that the objects we design today are all communicating: they collect data, communicate it and incorporate it into their response, whether that response is based on physical modelling or AI-type mathematical modelling.
This Lab has many potential areas of application like transportation or health. It comprises the following elements:
Le 3D MotionLab est une plateforme innovante conçue pour l’analyse détaillée des mouvements complexes dans un environnement contrôlé. Grâce à une technologie de pointe, cette plateforme joue un rôle essentiel dans des secteurs variés tels que la santé, le sport et le handicap. Sa superficie de 150 m² est dédiée à la formation ainsi qu’à la recherche. Grâce à ses partenariats avec des acteurs académiques et industriels, le 3D MotionLab est un pôle majeur pour l’innovation dans l’analyse du mouvement. Il s’intègre dans l’enjeu sociétal Santé et Vivant de l’EPF.
Il regroupe les équipements suivants :
The BBC+ Lab focuses on the energy behaviour of buildings by taking into account the user’s comfort in an original way. It enables the testing of different technological solutions on a full-scale building in order to build the housing solutions of tomorrow.
It is located on the Troyes campus and comprises the following elements:
Le Lab BBC+ s’intéresse au comportement énergétique du bâtiment en prenant en compte de façon originale le confort de l’usager. Il permet de tester sur un bâtiment à l’échelle 1 différentes solutions technologiques afin de construire les solutions d’habitation de demain.
Il est localisé sur le campus de Troyes et regroupe les éléments suivants :
Looking to the future, the EPF prepares its graduates to work in international environments. Learning modern languages, compulsory international departures in all courses, welcoming foreign students, opening new campuses in Africa... all these actions are designed to make our students professionals capable of understanding the globalized world in which they live.
Tournée vers l'avenir, l'EPF prépare ses diplômés à travailler dans des environnements internationaux. Apprentissage de langues vivantes, départ obligatoire à l'international dans toutes ses formations, accueil d'étudiants étrangers, ouverture de nouveaux campus en Afrique... autant d'actions engagées pour faire de nos élèves des professionnels capables de comprendre le monde globalisé dans lequel ils évoluent.